Fire Evacuation

Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan and the Fire Procedure . A fire emergency evacuation plan (FEEP) is a written document which includes the action to be taken by all staff in the event of fire and the arrangements for calling the fire brigade.

A fire emergency evacuation plan (FEEP) is a written document which includes the action to be taken by all staff in the event of fire and the arrangements for calling the fire brigade . It can include any relevant information in relation to the FEEP . General Fire Notice For small premises this could take the form of a simple fire action sign posted in positions where staff and relevant persons can read it and become familiar with its contents . Staff Fire Notice High fire risks or large premises will need more detailed emergency evacuation plan which takes account of the findings of the risk assessment , e.g. the staff significantly at risk and their location . In addition notices giving clear and concise instructions of the routine to be followed in case of fire should be prominently displayed .

When the Fire Alarm sounds , act immediately to ensure your safety , The Fire Alarm System is designed to provide you with an early warning to allow you to safely exit the building during an emergency situation .

NEVER ignore the alarm , assume the alarm is false , or assume it is only a fire alarm test . Everyone MUST evacuate the building by way of the safest and closest exit and/or stairway . NEVER use an elevator to exit during a fire alarm activation . Once outside the building , move away from the building . Assemble across the street or along the sidewalk of the adjacent building . The front of the building is where the fire fighters and fire trucks will be operating . Do not obstruct their access to the building . If there is an incident occurring on the upper floors and glass is being blown out of the windows , the area below is the hazard zone where serious personal injuries will happen . Stay away from this hazard zone . Once outside , never re-enter the building until you are told to do so by the fire department or Tufts Police .